Film : « les dames du bois de boulogne »
JACQUES - I didn’t succeed in entertaining you , you’re hurt , I know i’m bothering you . but I’m your oldest friend , and if you shut up I’ll speak to you . Hélène , you dropped everything , abandoned everything for a lover who doesn’t love you anymore .
HELENE - Jean adores me and I adore him .
JACQUES - you know what I mean . observe him as I observe you .There is no such thing as love , Hélène, there only are proofs of love .
HELENE - our love bothers our friends . I’m sorry , I’m happy .
JACQUES _ I should warn you , but I only love you .
HELENE - goodnight , Jacques , the play is long , and I’m tired .
JACQUES - Goodnight
HELENE - Jean ! … you got me scared .
JEAN - I came to apologize for this stupid forgetting.
HELENE - it’s of no importance between us , I’m tired .
JEAN - I must admit , I had completely forgotten I was having dinner with you tonight , I’m unforgivable !
HELENE- do you like this box ?
JEAN- I like gold , it looks like you , hot , cold , clear , dark , uncorruptible .. what a nice piece . Thank you .
HELENE - it was your birthday present . you would have found it on your seat
JEAN - our birthday ?
HELENE - already two years we decided to live for each other .
JEAN - I’m a monster .
HELENE - don’t blame yourself , we all have something to blame ourselves for .
JEAN - reproaches ? you ?
JEAN - tell me
HELENE - maybe it’s better not to say anything
JEAN - what about our pact ? it was about telling everything to each other ! no matter what .
HELENE - that’s the problem , since a few days , I hesitate to tell you something , I’m afraid to hurt you .
JEAN - You , hurt me ?
HELENE - well , Jean , it happened little by little , despite me , whithout me even noticing , I couldn’t laugh , couldn’t sleep anymore , I was wondering if it came from us ,no . you’re the same , marvellous as usual . I changed , I wonder .why doesn’t it ache anymore to wait ? your coming doesn’t upset me anymore ….
JEAN- Hélène !
HELENE - the discovery is awful , but I’m going to be honest , my heart is growing apart from you . I’m waiting for your reproaches , the worst names .
JEAN - Hélène , you’re great , it was you who spoke first . and I should be the first one to be guilty . the story of your heart is word for word the story of mine . everything you said I said to myself .i didn’t dare to speak .
HELENE - is it true ?
JEAN- it is , hélène , you’re beautiful ! You’re stunning . it would have been awful to continue.
HELENE - yes awful , what are we going to do ?
JEAN- we didn’t fool each other , we’ll meet again . we would have avoided the lingering dying loves . no tricks , no discoveries , we’ll be unique in our kind . I get my freedom back , you get yours , I’ll tell you everything , you’ll do the same . maybe one day I’ll realize you were the only woman for me and come back .who knows the future ?
HELENE - what if when you come back , I’m not here anymore … I mean , everything is possible , I could fall in love with someone else , not like you , but I could .
JEAN - it would be nobody’s fault .goodnight , Hélène .
HELENE - goodnight Jean
(Jean leaves)
HELENE - take all the the calls , I’m here for no one .
THE MAID - no one ?
HELENE - no one . I’ll have my revenge .