Some are dark. But their beauty astounds me.
Vintage Geekdom
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Seyrig Suite
The film is genuinely odd in that it feels like two unrelated tales; Karl (a hit-man) dispatches his victims coolly. Then he enters the tranquil world of Kate and falls in love, with tragic consequences. The film is beautifully shot and well observed, its complex characters interacting and developing.
For no apparent reason Jeanne Moreau appears and sings a song by Stephane Grappelly. There are shades of Rohmer and painterly influences. The French countryside has rarely appeared lovelier. At times the camera simply lingers on a tree or glass which creates an atmosphere. The performances are terrific, Guy Bedos, usually a comedian, plays it straight here with great success. However, the film belongs to Seyrig, one of the most totally underrated and truly great actress' of theatre and cinema.
delphine seyrig,
guy gilles,
le jardin qui bascule,
sami frey,
the garden that tilts
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Glitter and be Gay

“This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.”
“The key to the mystery of a great artist is that for reasons unknown, he will give away his energies and his life just to make sure that one note follows another... and leaves us with the feeling that something is right in the world.”
“"Life without music is unthinkable. Music without life is academic. That is why my contact with music is a total embrace."”
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Diva - Berlioz Heroine
Susan Graham...
- the death of Cleopatra -
It's difficult to apprehend this "scène tragique" as Berlioz wrote it, because the singer also has to convey all the drama of a woman put to slavery and resulting to death in about 20 minutes and 3 different pieces. The first one and my favorite is the moment where Cleopatra remembers all of her glorious past, how she appeared on the rivers, triomphant in beauty and power, and how far those moments seem to be. Susan Graham manages quite well to build the crescendo at the end even though she pauses too long, the voice is light and clear. Of course, one would remember Janet Baker... but Graham really is royal.
- D'amour l'ardente flamme -
Again Berlioz, less at ease while acting, Graham definitely uses all the colour of her voice to sing this piece. Very different from romatic arias of the time, the song finds interest in the different tempos you can hear throughout the song and the acceleration right in the middle of it. While certain singers do find this comfortable, Graham makes the most of it.
- Autrefois, un roi de Thulé -
- les Troyens -
Difficult to talk of Berlioz gigantic opera (4 hours) without this song, one of the finest duo in it, it requires a well harmony of the two voice , which is somtimes quite difficult to achieve since the tenor is often a loud one for this piece since he has to be able to stand the 4 hours. But there the result is actually a success. Souriez à l'amour.
susan graham,
teenage girl
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Noriko's dinner table
A movie about love and happy families.
noriko's dinner table,
sono sion,
suicide club,
Friday, January 15, 2010
Be cross
Hello all!
Keeping with our annual tradition, I'm announcing this year's Christmas gift, "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen". Giving these 'gifts' each year is Michelle's way of saying thank you to her fans and showing how much she appreciates your continued support and kind words through the years. We hope you enjoy this year's song, because we all had a great time producing it.
Download: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
"We?" you say? As in, more than just Michelle and myself? That is because the official members of the unofficial Michelle Cross band took a part in recording this. Henry Jansen (drums) and Tom Heslin (bass) stepped up and laid down an awesome rhythm track for this song, taking it a lot further than we had originally envisioned. Usually the Christmas gift is meant to be a quick, Michelle-only, affair, but they were available and willing and it would have been foolish not to take advantage of their skills.
Which brings me to my final point, before I sign off... just why were they available? Well, in November we started putting together songs and making a plan for a new Michelle Cross album. We've been talking about it forever (pretty much since "Smoke Like Perfume" came out) but we've now actually started working on it. Henry and Tom have put down tracks for three songs (besides "God Rest Ye") and we have at least 3 others almost complete. So we're well on our way. Hopefully over the next few months you'll be seeing more consistent updates from us. We have some pretty exciting ideas we want to share, so stay tuned.
Thanks again and happy Holidays!
Mathew Prock
so ? what are you waiting for ? we listenned to it nearly all week. Tim Burton could use it in nearly all of his movies...
A True Romance
Who knew that being hunted down by colombian killers would be so hot ?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Kathleen's Body Heat
Back in the days... the hit girl of the early 80's. Still pretty much a hit to me.
body heat,
femme fatale,
film noir,
kathleen turner,
william hurt
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Lion talks
"Just because you are gay, it doesn't mean you fancy every man who walks the planet. I don't want to be known as a gay rugby player. I am a rugby player first and foremost. I am a man... I just happen to be gay."
- Former Wales and Lions captain Gareth Thomas, 35, revealing he is gay to the Daily Mail, Dec 19, 2009.
gareth thomas,
is that so ?,
this is not about sport
Monday, January 11, 2010
Back to normal activity.
After 3 weeks of delight, we're back with a vengeance and some posts coming soon. New resolutions ? Yes, never make some !
After 3 weeks of delight, we're back with a vengeance and some posts coming soon. New resolutions ? Yes, never make some !
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